backup rom trước khi flash...!!!

Showing posts with label i9190. Show all posts
Showing posts with label i9190. Show all posts

Thursday, April 7, 2016

i9190 china mt6575 rom !!!

Hardware : MT6575 (SAMSUNG is Fake!)
Model : GT-I9190
Build number : JRO03H.I8190XXALJL
Build date UTC : 20130913-091222
Android  v : 2.3.6
Baseband v: MAUI.11AMD.W11.50.SP.V29.P1, 2013/07/25 10:24
Kernel v : (sw03@work01-pc) (gcc version 4.4.3 (GCC) ) #1  Fri Sep 13 17:09:21 CST 2013

  Hardware version:CB00
  Software version:E201
  SecCfgVal :0x00000000
  BromVersion :0xFF
  BLVersion :0x01
  Boot downloading complete!
  Flash Type: NAND_H8BCS0UN0MCR          
  Flash reading complete!
  Spend time 232.5 s